The Butch collection is an homage to all things masculine and forceful.
The Yin to match the Yang.
though we consider all Carnival Wax scents to be unisex, and will work
their magic on anyone no matter how they identify, these scents reflect
the things we associate with the more rough side of the road, and we've
grouped them together for you to try as a pack.
This Sample Pack includes:
The Reverend: a fine antique cologne that disguises your hidden dark side.
Druglord: you’re a druglord and you smell great and you seduce everyone before you sometimes have to kill them.
Filthy Scumbag: you smell of sweat soaked leather drowned in whiskey and hiding out in a clubhouse waiting for the night.
Du Bois:
Fallen aristocracy luxuriating among your finery in your mahogany lined
closet thinking of the lives you’ve ruined in your pursuit of illicit
Black Amber: smell like darkness out on the town looking for someone or something to corrupt.
Stormtrooper: sharp and as cold as a boot knife, clean and bright like the last light that shines in your eye.
Deathtrap: well-worn wheels scream into the night as creaking wood shakes, as you thunder through a world of adventure and danger.
The Captain’s Eye: Feral musk mixes with animal ferocity amid the escapade sweat drenched finery of a pirate lord/rockstar
And don't forget, always try your samples on your skin. Each Carnival Wax Perfume Oil smells different on each person because of your beautiful unique chemisty!